
ICT sourcing, een structurele oplossing voor tekort aan ontwikkelaars

Enorm tekort aan programmeurs, system engineers en architects

Hiring sustainability staff from the EU

Hiring sustainability personnel from the EU? NowWorkx specializes in the recruitment, selection, and placement (via secondment or remuneration) of skilled temporary workers from all over Europe. We are looking for suitable candidates in countries with a larger young population with a high percentage of technically trained professionals with extensive experience in sustainability work such as installing solar panels, heat pumps, and air conditioners. In their own country there is often less work, and wages are lower. We can therefore easily find the right, well-trained employees for you! This is how NowWorkx contributes to the solution for your staff shortage, so your company can continue to grow.

ICT medewerkers inhuren wordt steeds lastiger. Er is al jarenlang een ernstig tekort aan goede ontwikkelaars
in Nederland en dit is een probleem dat al jaren speelt. Veel
organisaties worden door al die niet ingevulde vacatures
enorm geremd in hun groei. Er is veel aandacht voor het
oplossen van dit probleem, bijvoorbeeld door veel te
investeren in opleidingen en in andere HBO- en
universitaire opleidingen meer ICT te verwerken binnen het
curriculum. Sinds 2021 is digitaal onderwijs in het lespakket
zelfs verplicht in het primaire onderwijs. De Nederlandse ICT
markt stijgt echter te hard, tech start-ups schieten als
paddestoelen uit de grond dus programmeurs kunnen
werken waar ze maar willen. ICT medewerker inhuren vanuit andere EU landen is dan dé oplossing!

A negative trend..

The sustainability of buildings is stagnating due to a shortage of technical personnel

The demand continues to grow..

There is a lot of new construction with high demands when it comes to sustainable solutions. But also existing buildings need to become more sustainable in the coming years.

Hiring staff for sustainability

Convinced of the benefits?

Mogen wij u van dienst zijn bij de recrutering en verloning van uw medewerkers? Wilt u ook personeel inhuren via NowWorkx? Neemt u dan contact met ons op. Uiteraard ook wanneer u nog specifieke vragen heeft.

Would you prefer an immediate response? Don’t hesitate to call us (during office hours): 030-7600612

a1 verloning maakt gelukkig

Target countries personnel for sustainability

Most of our sustainability staff is recruited in Eastern Europe. However, since a few years we also select an increased number of suitable candidates from Spain and Portugal.

In contrast to the labor situation in the Netherlands, we see many skilled, technical people looking for work in these countries. Work that is often not available in the country itself. This puts us in a luxurious position where we can set high standards and apply a strict selection process for highly qualified employees. The result? The best employees for your team! All candidates have a relevant education, experience in the sector, and are highly motivated to work for you.

Recruitment van ICT talent

De meest populaire landen voor het sourcen van IT liggen
voor Nederland in de eerste plaats in Oost-Europa. Vooral
Noord-Macedonie , Servie , Oekraine, Polen, Bulgarije en
Roemenie hebben een grote IT workforce. Ook India en
Turkije vormen een enorme bron van ICT talent en groeit de
sector daar ook gigantisch. Die van India is inmiddels
zelfs de grootste ter wereld. Het werk uitbesteden naar die
landen geeÓt de bekende risico’s als taalbarri res en lack of
control. Wij halen vooral goede ontwikkelaars uit Oekraine,
India en Turkije naar Nederland omdat wij daar een goed
netwerk hebben en zeer ervaren gespecialiseerde partners op
gebied van recruitment en uitzending.

Our methods

You can leave the entire recruitment and selection process to us! We will start our collaboration with the right selection and screening of potential personnel according to strict requirements. In the countries where we actively recruit, we work with certified partners who have over ten years of experience in the recruitment and selection of technical personnel.

The potential technical employees with a focus on sustainability are all extensively screened. We create extensive profiles that include education and analysis, motivation, personality traits and an additional explanation of the recruiter.

Are you satisfied with the CVs that we offered? Then it is time to bring the suitable candidates to the Netherlands to start their work for your company. The entire administration of the employees’ registration and remuneration is taken care of by us. We work in accordance with the European A1 regulation. This is beneficial for your organization, and for the employees. For instance, they receive a European health insurance. We strictly follow the NEN44002, VCA, and VCU standards. More information on this is available (in Dutch) here.

We will go the extra mile! NowWorkx can also help with related matters to speed up the immigration and integration of your employees. For instance, arranging a Dutch language course or other required training. This is not only beneficial for integration purposes, but also increases your employees’ well-being, and potential growth opportunities. We find it important to help both client and employee as best and personally as possible.

Receiving the desired staff profile

Recruitment and screening

Selection based on diplomas, experience, personality, and motivation

Aftercare with integration support, language course and much more

Enjoy a happy and successful collaboration


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